so i was watching youtube videos, and i came across a guy who's video's i had seen before, and i decided i'd watch some. it's some funny stuff. i mean i'm pretty sure that he's acting, so maybe that makes it a bit easier to watch without laughing uncontrollably.
anyways here's the links to the videos that i found funniest in the last day:
and apparently this is his proof that he's acting:
anyways i'm pissed cause i'm not going to get to play with ma'am i AM the Supervisor ever again cause stupid alex (for anyone else that for some reason decides to read this for whatever reason, that's the guitarist) keeps working, or hanging out with other people.
oh man, i'm so ready to par-tay tomorrow, but i'm all pissed, cause my hat sucks, because the dye came out whenever i took it out of the dye bucket, and so it just went back to white when i washed it. that means i had to color it in with markers, so it's different shades of green (none of which are the same as my shirt) so it looks pretty crap. of course my sword, and shield look amazing (i'm young Link)
i'm so worried about college, cause i don't know what to do about all the things that have to go along with it. i need to make a portfolio, then i have to actually apply to a college, then if i get accepted i need to find somewhere to live (and people to live with), and somewhere to work to pay for living, and food, and entertainment, and school (in that order) and then i have to make sure that i never ever see janet (again for anyone other than mikey, that's my stepmom) ever again.
i'm also worried about highschool too now. i mean i was perfectly fine, until i failed math last year, and took broadcasting this year. now if i fail something i'm screwed. it doesn't help that broadcasting only counts as one credit towards college and university. that means even if i wanted to go to college next year i couldn't. i'm going to have to go back for another semester, and take another grade 12 art course, and a co-op thing so that i have job experience, and THEN i can go to college. god dammit i don't want to be a working-class guy. my life is gonna fucking suck now.
i think i wrote more before, but my internet cut out like an hour ago when i wrote this. (thank god it saves drafts) anyway until i find something else to talk about, keep it ninja
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12 years ago