Wednesday, January 28, 2009

yeah? well....dracula's coming over tonight!

so yeah. the Japanese are fucking weird... i mean seriously....just....oh god.

i mean seriously. that guy with the bandana on his head? what the hell is he hiding? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. i mean he'd be the easiest person to pick out of a police lineup. "uh... i'm not sure...i think it's the guy that looks like a total fucking fruitcake"

although the japanese are weird, it's the white people that are the fucking retards. did they not know what they were saying when they made these?

stupid white dumb, and so completely ridiculously unaware of it. shit, i'm a white people. you're a white people too.

so people are really dumb it seems.

like janet. she just made a "ryme"for brayden that went like this:
you are a silly boy
a silly boy you are

he didn't even do anything. and she was saying it like a robot. fucking retard that one.

white people also have a great sense of humor

yeah. i wanna do that.

alright so i'm SOOOOOOO glad that the dumb exams are over. i feel like a genius. i think i deserve a prize for being this great.

i want to go trampolining. i'd do that for my birthday, but i can't really do anything for my birthday unless people decide to agree with each other, and not hate each other for strange reasons.

just a note. if you couldn't watch these videos now, watch them eventually. MAKE SURE YOU DO. your life is devoid of meaning without them.

don't let these spiders
crawl up beside us
they want to bite us
inject the virus

keep it ninja

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

when you wake up tomorrow i'm going to punch you in the goddamn throat

i'm thinking.....

dangerous thing, that

no, okay so i'm thinking: what if you left a baby with a pack of wolves? they did it in Jungle Book, and Princess Mononoke, but i'm pretty sure they'd just eat the fucking thing. i mean seriously. they're wolves. they eat raw meat.

funny stuff.

so i'm almost done exams, and then when i have spare time i'm going to watch what's out so far of the office, and play a bunch of psp games.

awesome days.

btw i'm not sure why the pictures apparently didn't work, but whatever. not so important.

i want to make a good vlog...and to do that i need to edit my videos so i'm not going "UUUUUHH......stuff....and....."

duuuuuuumb stuff.

alright so i'm not sure if theres anything else. i suppose that's all.

2 men to a fight

(this is what i think is being said at one point in

keep it ninja like it's 1985

Monday, January 26, 2009

underwater is the badassiest
wait...thats how NOT to get a job? shit. no wonder nobody's hiring me.

so i'm upset because exams are dumb and should be personified, and then kicked in the groin about 5 and 1/2 times.

it's possible.
mik-e, you should learn this. not really, but he's good. let's use him.

i was looking at the timelines of a few artists on deviantart and i realised something. they were a bunch of dumb emos at one point in each of their lives. it's weird.

those are the picture things. view them if you want. i want to make one, but i need a style to do them in, and i need to remember lots.

i'm procrastinating WAAY too much....i should study

do they even cure you?
or is it just to humor us before we die?
if we could heal ourselves
we wouldn't need to be hooked up to these machines

keep it ninja

Sunday, January 18, 2009

i promise to finish what i sta

so i've watched all 4 seasons of scrubs, the first 2 seasons of furutama, seasons 3 and 4 of simpsons, and played a few hours of Battlefeild 2. i feel great.

did you know that the origional name for the game Super Mario Brothers was "Jessepi,(spelling?) the fat Italian Plumber and his super jump shoes"?

i dunno for sure if that's true, but it sounds halarious

i just looked up some facts on Mario. His origional name (as i already knew) was Jumpman (when he was in the Donkey Kong game that's on that shirt i have) , the princess' name was Pauline, and he wasn't a plumber, he was a carpenter (maybe he's Italian Jesus). he got his name because the creator thought that he looked a lot like the landlord (Mario Segali) of the origional New York office building they worked in. he had suspenders because in the original pixelated form his arm movements would have looked weird because he had a red long sleeved shirt. he had a hat because it was too difficult to animate his hair, and he had a mustache because they were too lazy to animate a mouth. Because of the games being called Super Mario Brothers, both Mario and Luigi have the last name Mario, making their names Mario Mario, and Luigi Mario. Theres other stuff like the same person who created him also created donkey kong, the zelda series, and Pikmin (that's the only one i didn't know he made), but that's irrelevant.

see ashley? stuff like this makes a geek. yes, GEEK not nerd. i knew there was a different word for what you meant, but i couldn't think of it. a geek likes comics, videogames, anime movies, TCG's, the internet, etc, but a NERD likes homework, and studying, and they have good marks. sometimes they're the same thing, but other times it's like me, and it's one or the other. if you're too much of a geek, you don't pay attention to school, and thus you fail math.

something funny happened. my dad gave me the 4th season of weeds to watch, but because it's named weeds (which could mean anything really) he wrote an s in front of the title so it says Sweeds. like I'm watching some show about Sweden or something. not so much.

le Chevalier Noir is sitting right here, and i kinda want to watch it, but i've seen it like 6 or 7 times, so i dunno. i'm pretty sure everyone got a copy of it at Christmas (Matteo got 3). i have something that some fans don't have though: the script. i bought it because there were storyboards with it (and it's also interesting to see what they used to shoot the best movie ever). But yeah, it's what i use to practice storyboarding for future career stuff.

btw ashley you need a blog post ender (like mine is a song, and then "keep it ninja", and mik-e's is "g'night y'all!") cause last time you said something, and then y'all, and it was completely unorigional.

EDIT: so that i don't have to write another blog just for some links, here's the two things i promised to link to today:
"You the dumb hoe":
"Who's that pokemon?":

that's all for now

the youth are starting to change
are you starting to change?
are you?
together, together, together, together

keep it ninja like a panda wearing shorts in the winter

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's like I can touch you!

take a journey to your soul

so i'm really not prepared to do this, but i will because there's nothing better to do at the moment. i mean i could play PSP, or watch the simpsons, but i feel like doing this instead.

parents bother me. i just want to chill, cause i've been doing stuff at school for 2 hours, but no they're telling me to study at 10:00 for exams that i don't have much information about. i realized i said parents. it's janet and my dad. i guess saying parents is just easier than "my dad and that bitch he married"

Japan is weird. they sell used women's underwear in vending machines. gross. i mean seriously, what are you going to do with those? hang them on the wall? jesus.

i'm thirsty. i think i'm going to go get some apple juice.

Dear Mik-e:

today was pretty awesome, cause blah blah blah girl stuff.
Nate the Great(er than everyone)

that was funny today. it's pretty much true what ashley said though. we're pretending that we're more important than we are by typing out things that we could just say to eachother.

i think i want to to go into storyboarding. then when i have enough examples, and i've built up experience points (game reference, if you didn't get it) i can do that, plus making comics. i mean i'd need a writer, and then i'd have to pay them half, and i dunno if it will be poplar enough. i'd say i worry too much, but this is my LIFE. i only get one chance at it, i might as well do it right.

it feels like summer in octoooooober
and i wish that this day was never oooooover
and it feeeeels like summer in octooooooober
to me

keep it ninja like the night

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i've been tricked by the future!

money can't buy happiness? bullshit.
i could buy a videogame and be happy for as long as it takes me to beat it, and screw around. i could buy some stuff for a party, and while i'm enjoying that, i find a girl thats hot and make out with her. i could buy a house that all my friends could live at, and pay them all not to hate eachother. i could combine all three of those and make out in my awesome house while playing a new videogame. money CAN buy happiness, even if it's indirectly (eg: i didn't pay that girl to make out, but it made me happy (in the pants! AHAHAHAHA))

have you seen wall-e? who cares. great movie, but i have a problem with one thing.
they were on that ship 700 years. 700. yeah, and how many captains were there? 6, MAYBE 7. so how the hell was there a captain for all of those years? sure they have autopilot, but they still need to have a captain with it. so what happened? did they all live for 100 or more years each? and how do all of these fat people know how to control the ship? AGAIN yes they have autopilot, but they new how to get home, and they new the commands for the ship. i guess one of the 100 year old pilots taught one person when they were about to die?

i want a cat.

i've said that already haven't i? like 10 entries ago? it was the cat named impossible.

how are we expected to get final projects done while being given homework? yeah mikey i know, you have 3 more projects than me blah blah blah wah. i understand how much worse your position is, (4 times worse, plus another half hour [(essay+15 minute presentation) x 4+(15minute presentation x 2)]) but i still don't like that i have to do even one. i don't want to have 4 classes.

i want to just skip past college, and just live with friends and have a sick job in concept art.

i need a stress ball thing. i'm so pissed of all the time and i need something to take out my anger on other than a person, or someone's property. i mean i had something that was kinda for stress (mostly for hand exercises when you're playing piano) but i got really pissed off one time, and since it's made of metal i stretched it out and now it's useless.....awesome. now all i can do is punch pillows, or my metal bed frame. not so fun.

ugly lady
"oh my...."

i'll move to paris, shoot some heroin
and fuck with the stars
you man the island and the cocaine
and the elegant cars.

keep it ninja for about five miles, then take a right on gullible street.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

like some sort of hybrid

do you ever notice how some people say they're going do something, and then they just don't? mostly in my math class the kids sign out (you know on that sheet so they can go to the washroom and stuff) and then they just sit there talking to people. sure it's not a problem or anything, but for some reason it bothers me. it also bothers me that the guy with the highest mark (a 94 or something) is a complete dumbass and sometimes can't even read the questions. he pisses me off so much. like in the middle of class he'll start yelling stuff to the person beside him, or stomping on the ground, or reading the math questions out loud, etc.

another thing that bothers me is low quality psp games. sure it doesn't have the graphics capabilities of say an xbox 360 or PS3, but they've made GTA with a huge world and good enough graphics. but NOOOOO they still have shitty games like spiderman: web of shadows which is a SIDE SCROLLER.....yeah.... i mean what the hell. you have the capabilities to make awesome graphics (eg: , that was a cut scene in the psp final fantasy game and is the gameplay) and you make a shitty 3d side scroller with below average graphics. great job, retards!

i just found out NOW that a game i've been looking for (for a looooooong time) is FREE on a website. of course this is true with a lot of games, but it's by the choice of the game makers. it's Shaun White snowboarding, so it's not great. the xbox 360 one is awesome looking, but the PSP version is pretty shit cause it doesn't have a lot of things that they definately could have had like online, and big not so straight-foreward hills, and being able to have a re-spawn point on the hill to pull of awesome tricks that are hard to land, etc.

nvm it turns out i was wrong, i have to pay for membership. these sites just don't get it. it's like porn, you go to sites till you find a descent free one. you don't pay for stuff on the internet, that's just dumb.

anyways my computer is going to try and shut itself down soon, so i'm going to finish this before it has a chance.

i don't have a song today either, sorry. not enough time to think of one.

keep it ninja 'til the floor collapses and becomes a gateway to asia that you can use to find other ninjas.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Trigger Happy

so it's school again tomorrow. i'm soooooo not prepared. so i'm going to post some videos that i think are funny. actually they're all from the same show: Trigger Happy TV
there were more but i can't find them.

so i lost my wallet....awesome. and cole won't call me back to tell me if he found it at his place or not. it's just grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat when you don't know if you have to go out and get a replacement for your bank card, your health card, your student card, your student bus discount card, and your edge card.

i'm really frustrated with this stupid philosophy assignment. i've barely started it, and i don't even know what to say in it. couldn't it be simple like all the other projects? like even just an essay with more than 1000 words. it's bullshit that we have ti do a power point presentation. i don't even remember how to do that. and i think it's funny that ass hat (from my second november entry) was all complainy about 1000 words being "too little". she's like "does it HAVE to be 1000 words?" "yes" "AAAWWWW REALLY?!?! BLHDSGJGSJKSJ!!!!!!!!!!!1111". SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! nobody cares what you think you dumb piece of garbage! okay that was sorta over the line, but she is so annoying.

i'm not sure what career i want to get into. animation, concept art, storyboarding, advertisement.... i need to get a portfolio together tho. of course i've got a year and a half left to do it, and 2 semesters of art, and a co-op program in that time, so i should be good.
cause god knows they don't screw up enough.

i want to go out for wings.

i suppose that's all for now.

the models will have children
and get a divorce
find some more models
everything must run it's course