so today i had a moment at work where i was wrapping something and i was like "this feels good. i can do this"
....i never want to feel that way about work EVER AGAIN.
i've been watching lots of drug videos today. it's been good. i really want to hallucinate, but i need to make sure that i've got somewhere to stay for the night that isn't my house. i'm thinking i want that montreal trip to happen again, but without the part where i freaked out. just the joy part.
fuckin samsquamsh
i need to figure out what i'm doing with my life, cause all i've got in my head right now is "art". that's WAYYY too broad, and i need to figure out what specifically i want to do. i've got photo editing, storyboarding, graphic design, i could actually make my t-shirt company, concept artist, or animator. there's probably more, but that's all i can think of right now.
so i'm really glad that ashley isn't the only one reading my blog.
that's sarcasm.
she is the only one
it's me, NRG, layin' down a rap with my G, Mikey B
i need more to talk about, i had more, but that's all i remember
oh except somehow today at like 9:17 there was an old lady walking around the store while i was taking down the vegetables and asking multiple times where the plain bagels were, and why nobody was at cash.
some people are DUMB people.
anyways that's about it
keep it ninja (no more song lyrics, it's getting too hard.)
(that's what she said)
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12 years ago