Tuesday, December 9, 2008

no more elephants

finally robotic beings rule the world

i wonder what would happen if all humans just suddenly died off.. i mean there would be nobody to plant trees for the ones we cut down, and then animals would sort of start living in office buildings, and abandoned homes, and probably eat things they weren't supposed to. i think things would still be screwed up.

i've started listening to flight of the conchords, and i'm happy. i also have rootbeer

my dad is a jerk. i was telling him how i'm feeling like i won't get anywhere in life, because i'm not as good at drawing as i should be, and he just went ahead and told me that my drawings suck. fortunately the only thing i really want to do is storyboarding, or game concept art, and that's pretty easy stuff, so i think i'll be fine. that is if college is as easy as making a storyboard.

my grad pictures were kinda cool today. i had ONE where i was myself. the rest were like "you have headphones? wear them like this. yeah, just the way you'd never wear them in your life" and "hey, you've got a hoodie! put the hood up the way you never do!"

commies meet mondays and fridays.

i guess that's it, i don't have much more.

the humans are dead
the humans are dead
we used poisonous gases
and we poisoned their asses

keep it robo-ninja

1 comment:

Mikey said...

I've had that song semi-stuck in my head all day. So cool.

I'll try my hardest to remember to bring flight of the conchords.

Oh, and your drawings definitely do not suck. So, yeah. That.