Sunday, November 8, 2009

goodbye life, send me a postcard!

alright so i'm spending all my money on a crapload of new games coming out. i'm really just waiting to get my laptop, cause the mini DVD player i used to use as a tv doesn't work anymore.

The life-wasters are as follows:

i'm really the most excited about assasin's creed 2, and Little big Planet for psp, because i loved the prequels to those, and they can only get better (okay so technically LBP for PSP isn't a sequel, but it's still after the first one)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

our worst fears

okay so life is becoming a videogame, complete with shitty diologue, and bad voice acting. in Fallout 3 there is a hairless bear called a "Yao Guai", and it is dangerous.

now there's a bear at a zoo that's becoming quite the same thing

the world is going to end soon. that or Washington DC will be taken over by Super Mutants, and for some reason people will build a town around an un-exploded atomic bomb. either way we're fucked. all we need now is the government to put us in vaults.

Monday, October 5, 2009

for co-op: soccer ball

the goal of this project was to make a soccer ball and grass completely in photoshop using the shape tool, the record feature, and spherize. the grass was made with a special brush.

for co-op: gradient blur

Before and After shots
for this project the goal was to use the gradient tool and blur effects to make the train the main focus of the picture.

for co-op: out of bounds effect.

for this project the goal was to take a picture of wolverine, and make it seem as if he was coming out of the screen by using layer masks, and the eraser/paintbrush tools. I also used the clone stamp to finish one of the claws that was previously cut off by the edge of the picture.

for co-op: skin replacement

for this project the goal was to take a picture of a girl, and completely replace her skin with that of a strawberry using the clone stamp tool.

for co-op: image merging

for this project the goal was to take 3 completely different images, and then merge them together to make one. in this case the images are some mountains, the toronto skyline, and africa.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

for co-op: photo re-touching

i used photoshop to re-touch a photo of some girl. the point of it was to make the photo look more attractive through airbrushing, and other retouching techniques.
Before and After

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

flying is the #1 priority as of yesterday

i found some stuff about being a bro:

i really hope that's only in 'merica. i also hope there's a Ched (redneck bro) in my college somewhere, but that's doubtful since i was aiming for an art school.

so i quit today. yeah i know "nathan, you always talk about work!" well that's over now.

and all of my semester will be filled with making super trippy photoshopped pictures, and hallucinating constantly with jasmine, since she's pretty much always holding, and she's in my co-op class. sucks to be you people.

i just spent some time getting twitter. god knows why. oh i remember, it was this:
i guess if i get a cellphone i'll actually use it. otherwise i'll just post my complaints about life here. also, i'm not telling you where it is, because if you actually cared you'd have looked it up by now.

i got some random money today.
i think
something to do with whatever money my dad got from selling my mom's apartment and stuff.
apparently i'm using it to give my dad a loan.

if i was a superhero, i wonder if people would have learned from movies and wouldn't just assume that because i could do things they couldn't that i was a bad person. i bet i'd get all sorts of sex too, cause girls would think that maybe their babies could be super too.

what a great life

i'm going to need to learn to drive soon. then my dad says he's going to buy my first car for me (i'd have to pay him back) cause the insurance would be shit otherwise. first things first i've gotta buy that fucking book.

that's all for now

keep it ninja

Sunday, July 26, 2009

where are all the bitches at?

i want one of those old-timey pipes. they look so cool.

so i really hate work. they keep firing people, so now i have to work a shitload to make up for the shifts that aren't taken. i hate it so much. work is something that shouldn't take up this much of my life.

i wish i had a friend that was a robot.
nothing at all

i'm excited for my personal vacations from reality. also i want to go to my cousin's. that's happening. soon. like next week.

i really should have had more to talk about.

our show was pretty good, but i really just want to play the opera house again.

keep it ninja

Monday, June 29, 2009

easy livin'

so today i had a moment at work where i was wrapping something and i was like "this feels good. i can do this"
....i never want to feel that way about work EVER AGAIN.

i've been watching lots of drug videos today. it's been good. i really want to hallucinate, but i need to make sure that i've got somewhere to stay for the night that isn't my house. i'm thinking i want that montreal trip to happen again, but without the part where i freaked out. just the joy part.

fuckin samsquamsh

i need to figure out what i'm doing with my life, cause all i've got in my head right now is "art". that's WAYYY too broad, and i need to figure out what specifically i want to do. i've got photo editing, storyboarding, graphic design, i could actually make my t-shirt company, concept artist, or animator. there's probably more, but that's all i can think of right now.

so i'm really glad that ashley isn't the only one reading my blog.

that's sarcasm.

she is the only one

it's me, NRG, layin' down a rap with my G, Mikey B

i need more to talk about, i had more, but that's all i remember

oh except somehow today at like 9:17 there was an old lady walking around the store while i was taking down the vegetables and asking multiple times where the plain bagels were, and why nobody was at cash.

some people are DUMB people.

anyways that's about it

keep it ninja (no more song lyrics, it's getting too hard.)

(that's what she said)

Friday, June 19, 2009

fuck off

...alright, sorry, let's start fresh
i'm nathan
fuck you
alright that doesn't work

so i've got my brand tight-little-ass-spankin' new (sorry, i'm just excited) Xbox 360, and ea skate 2. if you care at all i'm like 3/4 done the game, and that's only cause i've been doing other things, cause it's hard to stay on the story when you can literally go ANYWHERE in the game and skate. i've actually played it so much that i had a weird dream where i was the skater, and then for some reason this girl (a real person that i know) slides out of nowhere on her back all ragdoll-like infront of me (naked i might add). anyway there's more to the dream, but it's not important.

i need more games though. i mean skate's awesome, but ADHD is a bitch, so i need other things to do. of course that's why sandbox/free-roam games are great, cause you can do SOOOOOOOO many things, and with such a huge place to do these things in, you almost never get bored.

this is probably why you guys don't read my blog....i talk about boring shit WAAY to often.

all aboard, hit the road
all the bullshit can't be ignored
it's hard to place in my face
no emotion

keep it ninja like it's 1979

Sunday, June 7, 2009

i'm so white that if i was in a snowstorm you'd lose me, and then a polarbear would eat me, and then i'd be dead. great job, jerk

they perprexed them.

so Trevor Moore is awesome.

today was pretty dumb. it was also sorta cool, cause i spent like 2 hours just taking off the dead skin off onions. THE ONION! i actually found one that looked like the onion's logo. it was pretty cool.

so i really should have had something to talk about, but i don't. i just wanted something else to be on my page.

so i've decided that i'm getting an xbox 360, cause that's pretty much all i need to survive. i also need a big tv, and like 6 games. that'll all come out of my $645 or whatever in the bank. i wish i had more.

what a jerk, right?

"viciously, and repetedly raped"

so spinning is fun, right?

alright, i'll stop wasting your time.

listen close
with your ear to the ground
as el diablo stirs
this place comes crashing down
(one two three four)
and though these evil ways
once renowned as straight out of hell
have been replaced by human will

Saturday, May 30, 2009

old lady goes NOM NOM NOM

weird day today. woke up, realized what i'd done the following night (am i a bad person?), felt really sick, had to start my project and then woke up at 1:05, ran to work (i was 20 minutes late) and then spaced out for the entire afternoon. there were great parts of work though. i'll explain:

so did you ever play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, or Majora's Mask? well then you've fought that annoying floating skull called a "bubble". know how it was always using extreme jaw movements when it came at you? well there was this old lady that came in the store, and off the bat she looked kinda weird, but then i looked a bit too long i guess, because she quickly turned her head toward me, and then moved moved her jaw up and down 3 times with her eyes REALLY wide. it was strange.

i also caught a crazy man laughing at fudge

and some guy asked if we sell dog food. i told him no, but it turns out we sorta do.

and of course people were coming to me all day asking for things that i didn't know the location of.

my tummy stopped hurting! yaaaaaaay.

i'mma go watch the office now, so fuck off

you will always be remembered,
you will be celebrated
you will never be forgotten,
these tears still haven't faded

keep it ninja

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Turnstiles make the world go round

LOL Turnstiles....

okay so i was at cloverdale today with my dad and the twins, and we went into EB games, and my dad was looking at the used stuff, and they've got used Xbox 360s for $130.... so i'm thinking that i'mma buy one, and get EA skate so that i can be forever happy. i'm not sure though..... i could get skate 1, or skate 2, but i dunno which one to get...

and mikey if you would be so kind, could you maybe list some games you think i may like, cause i dunno many.


i like having money. i can buy so many shirts now.

actually i haven't gone yet, i've got like another 2 hours till i get there.

Today, i was home alone for 10 hours. i spent the whole time playing online games. FML

Today, my PSP stopped being able to see the downloaded games that i put on it. FML

Today, i spent my evening writing short sentences about my life that end with 3 letters. FML

these four wheels feel like home to me
enough of living broke at home, and bank robberies
these faces i see, and these fumes i breathe
proof enough that this is where i want to be
these photographs tell a story of their own
2 fists, white knuckles, and a microphone
these highway lines, these miles and miles
they breathe!

keep it ninja

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

what am i doing with my life?

seriously though.
i doubted myself again today. i woke up and thought "what if i shouldn't get into art? artists don't make a lot of money, and i don't know if i can survive by going from job to job constantly". i'd love to get into videogames, and just stay with one company, but most games nowadays are shoot-em-ups, and i can't draw people too hot. i mean if there was a really weird game based on my type of art, then sure, i'll make a shitload of money, but the fact is that would be a miracle, and doubtfully will ever happen.

if women should learn anything from "the little mermaid" it's that they shouldn't talk, cause guys just want to marry them if they're found on a beach with no clothes.

okay so i'm watching pretty much the worst movie ever made. it's cinderella, but with real people. the royal family is a black woman and a white man that have an asian son who loves a black cinderella who's step sisters are black, and white, and who's step mother is a ginger.


i really want to quit my job. closing is the worst. an upside is that there are some hot girls there.
yeah so i'm lonely. unfortunately i've got very specific taste. then again that's a good thing, cause i don't want to end up with someone i hate. i mean this is a RELATIONSHIP we're talking about. I dunno about you, but that's sorta important to me. i'm just not sure who i'd really want to date. i'd be better off if everyone had a little thing above their heads that told me if they were avaliable, and if they like me. too bad my mind isn't reality.

man i wish things i thought came true. i'd be able to slow down time, and make things i want appear out of thin air. fuck that would be awesome.

oh man have you guys ever seen "Word Girl"? it's a kids show, but it's actually got some great humor. just watch it some day on TVO Kids. i dunno when it's on, but find out and watch. it's actually really funny, i promise. the only thing that sucks is that it's trying to teach kids words, so it's always saying the same shit, but it's still funny. and the animation is pretty awesome too.
that's what she looks like. her monkey's name is Captain Huggy Face. my favorite supervillain is "Chuck the Evil Sandwich making Guy". his secret lair is in his mother's basement......

hilarity ensues.

here's a clip
and another one
and a profile with some episodes or something

hey did you hear,
there's nothing to fear
the things that scared us now have stopped
and there's nothing hiding in the dark

keep it ninja

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mo money, Mo WoW

i want to make a t-shirt that says that for sean.

"and psht who hates sean?
way to be LATE."
shut the fuck up ashley, use your brain. i made that post DAYS ago. take that little miss arrogant. jesus.

by the way, you've probably read this:
Today, my grandpa told me he can still get aroused even though he is 84. Im 32 and have erectile dysfunction. FML
.....i'm not so concerned about the guy's ED, as i am concerned about his 84 year old grandpa telling him about his boner. what's with that? old people....


so as we all know, i'm a ninja. in the time it took you to read that, i stole something from your room that you won't notice, but will need to defend yourself when i attack you from the shadows.

HOLY SHIT I SAW THIS REALLY TINY DOG TODAY! it' was on the way home from work. OH ANNNND today was the best day of work EVER!! all i did was put out the "fresh produce" mats, then prepare some parsley, and then the other 3 1/2 hours was skinning corn, then wrapping it, then break, then skinning corn, then cleaning the back, then leave. it was EPIC. soooooo easy. monday's going to suck though cause i'm on my own, and i've got no idea what to do for 5 whole hours without direction.

Perhaps it's because i don't play that game
that's bullshit to me
Perhaps it's because fake greetings from shitty friends
mean nothing to me

keep it ninja

Thursday, April 30, 2009

eblueterate them

i really wish people would stop hating eachother. where's the love? i mean i really don't like some people, but that's just cause i was never actually their friends, or they've been douchebags for a long amount of time, and just can't take a fucking hint. what i'm trying to say is that i want you to stop hating on sean. YES he's being stupid, but like i said before, he's been proven to have a uterus, and since he's half girl, his brother moving to Cali is depressing him, and he's just saaaaaaaaaad. look on the bright side: we're going to montreal, we're going to see the real deal for fucking $5, we're going to party it up to the max, and it's going to be wicked.

so as we all know, i'm obsessed with my psp, and so i'd like to share with you the future of my obsession:
i mean it's pretty dumb, cause i pretended i was holding it, and that would be awkward as shit to hold. your hand has to be soooooooo fucking wide, it's not even funny. i'll save you the time of reading the article too:
-there won't be any more UMD's, so that means all games need to be bought off the internet.
-there won't be a second analog stick, so there's no way i can ever play skate.
-you can buy one with either 8gb of internal memory, or 16gb. that's pretty awesome.

when we're a famous band, i really hope that we as members of the band will be recognized, like in greenday, or the beatles, instead of like blink 182, or sum 41. i don't know any of them. i think the way to go about doing that is to have nicknames. like in Mindless Self Indulgence, the lead singer is "Jimmy Urine", the guitarist is "Steve,Righ?" (yes, i spelt that right), the bassist's name is "Lyn-Z", and the drummer is "Kitty". same with the beatles (or at least Ringo Starr). i mean at least I want a nickname. OH also "flea" from Red Hot Chili Peppers.

by the way a little thing like that "so you got THE job" guy. this random guy walked past me at work after i'd watered the vegetables, and he was like "that's your favorite job, huh?". i smiled and sorta laughed, then thought "were you staring at me for an hour or something?

doctor's office?

that's all

can i have a little more?
i love you

keep it ninja

Saturday, April 25, 2009

clouds on a bike ride fast like the wind

i've decided to translate things that people say at work:

"see this display? i spent 2 hours setting this up"
"i've got no life outside of this job, and nobody loves me"

"you're doing good! good man!"
"The manager is there, but i actually hate you"

"look at all these bugs on this jar!"
"i'm really high, and imagining things"

i don't get why, but both lenard, and joe have compared setting up the wet case to getting laid. it's pretty awkward. speaking of them (this isn't really too related) they both have those sick knives for cutting veggies and stuff, and i found out today that if i want one then they're going to take it out of my paycheck. it's only $5, but it's still money that i've gotta spend on them. and of course today Justin was a dumbass, and he decided to steal Lenard's knife, not expecting him to notice that something he spent money on was missing. retard.

this morning i was not thinking too good. i'm trying to find reason in my thoughts, but i can't. i was thinking "if quit now, i could tell my dad that i will eventually get another job, and then i can dye my hair green and be happy". of course now that i'm not stupid i see how awful a plan that was. if i quit my dad would be pissed, i'd never get another job, and i'd be complained to constantly for dying my hair.

i dun nao

i never tried that
i never tried that
i never tried that
but i know i don't like it

keep it ninja 'til the cows come home

Wednesday, April 22, 2009!

then you slap them with an apple

man i watch too many of the same movies down here. i wish that my lappy's internet worked for realsies, but no such luck.

this is the only video i want to show you, cause it's hilarious. (don't worry it's like 10 seconds long)

man i really want to go skateboarding. i was at cole's place today, and jack was skating with his friends, and so now i really want to do it again. i actually need to go to a skate park with sean, too.

"eye colour" "blue" "nope" "oh, i thought you said hair colour" "still no" "i thought you meant sky" "closer"

i like it when friends drive me places, cause it just feels cooler.

if i die before i wake
at least in heaven i can skate
cause here on earth, i can't do shit
without the man fucking with it

keep it ninja

Saturday, April 18, 2009

you da man nahtan!

Lenard likes to say that when i do what he says. which is all the time, but he doesn't recognize that. speaking of Lenard, today he got so annoyed that i was asking him what to do that he finally said: "alright, this whole wet case here, you see dat nahtan? you see dat? is all YOURS". just in case you didn't know, the wet case is the thing that's full of green vegetables and shit, and needs to be sprayed every half hour. And as i was doing that job, guess who i saw. that lady from the summer that works at the Keg, and was obsessed with my resume. it was weird, and she felt really bad for me cause i was working at the grocery store instead of at a restaurant. some people.

"know how you wanted a pony? we had a pony for you, but then i had a drink or two, and forgot that i had the pony in the garage, and i just drove on in, and i kinda tapped you pony...i sorta bumped your pony....your pony's dead"

i am le tired.

i'm so not happy about work, cause i work like 6 hours, and then i walk home, and the walk home is the worst, and then i see ashley and helen keller, and then we talkaboutaparkjamandthenigetsotiredthatiwannasleep, bt thn i cnt cus thn i cnt wtch rbt chckn nd i rly wntd to wtch tht cus i trd to WATCH IT LAST NIGHT, BUT THEN I HAD TO GO TO SLEEP CAUSE I HAD TO WORK TODAY.

girls are weird

"i wanna be in a plane! and one of those planes that has guns, not one of those faggy food planes"

i should be looking up info on Atilla the hun, but as i've said, i am le tired.

you will always be remembered,
you will be celebrated
you will never be forgotten
these tears still haven't faded

keep it ninja

Saturday, April 11, 2009

give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. show a man to fish, and he'll go crazy and kill everyone.

i doubt a man could eat one fish for the whole day. maybe like 20 minutes, but that's if he's really trying to space it out.

so i told you about Joe today, but i'll tell you more about him. he's kinda short, and Italian, he swears under his breath just about every 20 seconds, and he makes me feel good. he's so friendly, and he'll wink and smile, and he does this thing where he sings this song that goes "you can dance" and then he whistles the rest (he's a REALLY good whistler), and does a little shimmy type dance. if you ever hear nice whistling, it's him. He also makes Leanard be not such a jackass. of course he's still a jackass, but somehow less of one.

oh and i've decided (as you can see) to keep posting things regardless of who comments, because it's not fair to me when i have to wait for people to comment on things that happen before telling you new things.

"you have to eat some food from this world, or else you'll disappear"

Mad TV is so funny. i've spent like 2 days on youtube watching videos from them, and they never dissapoint. except maybe with their ellen degeneres skits.

old people are funny.

you spin me right round, baby
right round
like a record, baby
right round, round, round.

keep it ninja like it's going out of style

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i waanwach teebee

another funny thing mairi says. she always says it when she wants to watch a movie.

man, i'd love the incredibles if it wasn't so over-played in this house.

man, cartoon pigs are soo cute. i want one. the cartoon cows are kinda cute too, but they're alot bigger.

i dunno if i want to keep working. it's not all that bad, but they make me work when there's no work to be done. i'd prefer if maybe they'd 1) actually tell me what they want me to do, and 2) stop getting mad at me when there's nothing to do. it's not my fault the job is so simple, but they blame it on me when shit is finished, and they didn't give me anything else to do.

"did your man deliver, or did he deliver"

i don't like it when people have questions like that. what are you going to answer if you don't agree? "um, you didn't deliver. you made an awful choice of where to live. i seriously don't understand the choices you make.". then they get mad that you're not agreeing.

"yo guys, check out this new internet world wide web viral video"


Take back!
What's Ours!
Well it seems
that you've got a lot to say my friend!

keep it ninja

Sunday, April 5, 2009

it's a big fock!

mairi said that. she's talking about a fox.
and brayden just screamed REALLLLY loud.
and my dad attached plastic fire to a toy fox and tried to make me laugh by calling it firefox. he so doesn't get me.

so i've started learning how to photoshop piercings and tattoos onto pictures of myself. it's hard. so far i've found out that my pictures are too small to work with it

man, work really sucks. i mean it's alright, but fucking Leonard is always making me feel like complete shit whenever i'm around him. i was trying to do my job, and i'm like "alright, i'm going to restock the shelves" so i start, and he's like "no, you're not ready for that, go recycle all of the boxes" and then he told this other guy, Chris, to do it. and he's like "no, it's alright, nathans on that" and Leonard is like "no, you do it, he's recycling". fucking douch-y-doucher-douche.

so i'm thinking that i'm going to either dye my hair with the black and white/yellow part, or maybe i'll do green. according to claire i have a green flesh tone. whatever that means. apparently i'm more olive-green than white. of course to explore this possibility, i've started to photoshop green hair on my pretty cranium.

yup, it looks pretty alright. it's kinda VERY green, but it's still pretty sick

man, this hair dying is just soo easy, and fun. i should probably be doing homework.

i spooooooooose that's all

fuck you too, bitch,
call the cops
i'mma kill you
and those loud motha-fucking barking dogs!

keep it ninja

Sunday, March 29, 2009

my head aches, by body shakes, the earth quakes, the great lakes, grandma bakes

holy shit my head hurts. ooooowwwwww

so i'm not so happy, cause i was going to use all of today to do homework, cause i had wasted all of my time on other things the whole week, but then my dad walked in my room at about 12:00 (about an hour after i'd officially woken up) and told me i had to go to kidsports with him. god that was awful. i mean it gave me a good reason to be on the jungle gym, but chasing after the babies, and having to tell them about 10 times a minute that we didn't have tokens for the games was just awful.

man.... Shrooms for Alice needs some better recording time. that was pretty awful. i mean it's descent, but we need to maybe record us playing live, and the SAY that it's live, cause at least then everything will have the right timing and everything.

so i've got a job. i dunno when you guys will read this, probably after my first day, but man i'm worrying. i really don't know how i'm going to do. of course everyone seems really nice, so that's kinda settling. i also shouldn't really have much to do, since it's not like 100,000 need vegetables. and of course there'll be people there to tell me what to do if i'm not sure. alright, i'm not so worried now, i'm just not happy that having a job will interfere with stuff like band practice, and going to montreal.


i think what we should do is ask about having the time off before we book the shit, just in case. i mean i guess you would have thought of that, so i guess if that's the case, i'm reminding you. anyways we could just do what you said mik-e, and get sean to do it. of course that might make us look bad, especially us new workers.

it's my birthday
waiting for a call from my family......................
they forgot about me

keep it ninja.

Monday, March 23, 2009

lift with your back! lift with your back!

holy shit i just watched the best video for people who use photoshop
i hope to someday be that good.

so i'm reaaally tired, and biatch is constantly glaring at me even though i'm doing my homework (i want my laptop so i can sit in my room, but apparently there's something wrong with it, and my dad needs to call microsoft and talk on the phone with them for like an hour.)

i'm hungry. i've got those hot wing / blue cheese mix chips in my room that i was supposed to take to ashley's, so i guess i'll just eat those.

for some reason i'm getting worse at typing. maybe it's because i've been thinking about it more recently.

i keep almost falling asleep in broadcast. he always makes us sit in a circle around him for a lesson, so i'm always almost falling asleep just sitting in that chair.

wow all of these things i'm saying are really short.

btw look at this
it's a non-fiction story i wrote that has the same style of writing as the book i have to read for english. i enjoyed it.

for some reason my basement smells like lots of chocolate, but only when i sit down.

4 bedrooms, 1 bathtub, 0 boundaries, and a kaleidescope for a garage door. perfection.


this is pretty awesome.

yo-ho, fiddle dee-dee
being a pirate is alright with me
do what you want, cause a pirate is free
you are a pirate

keep it ninja

Thursday, March 19, 2009

tina? yes...yes, i'm tina!

i'm watching "that thing you do". i love this movie.

so i was talking last time about the hot girl near the thing i'm supposed to put the competition's remotes in? yeah, we fucked.

naw, turns out she's not hot. one of them HFFA girls (hot from far away). i mean i've been close before, but i didn't want to stare or anything, so i didn't realize i was wrong. oh well

so i'm really not too good at what i do in life and stuff, or whatever. sorry, i wrote that when i was looking away from the monitor (it's that thing you do, it's so great). what i meant is that i'm supposed to do loads of homework, and i'm just not doing it. i have to read my book for english, write the rest of my rough copy, and the good copy of my persuasive essay ALSO for english, and draw something like 3 more pictures for the sketchbook assignment for art. so my life is a bunch of projects. of course they're all due the instant i get back (i'm pretty sure, at least.)

i wanna go on tour! that's what's going on right now in that thing you do, and it looks soooooo fun. they're just going everywhere, and their song is climbing the charts, and they're screwing around, and it just looks awesome. all i really wanna do is chill in a camper, cause i know when i'm famous i'll get some poon-tang.

anyways janet said i'm not allowed on the computer today, so i'm done now

trogdor was a man
or...he was a dragon mannnn
or...maybe he was just a dragonnnn...
but he was still...TROGDORRR!!

keep it ninja

Monday, March 16, 2009

because of me, your life will never be the same

work was awesome today. i put away a bunch of stuff, and got some small white batteries to draw on, and all that good stuff that everyone does at work. i also had 2 dr peppers, and some skittles. and a giant toblerone triangle. did i mention work is awesome? it's crazy, cause the first 8 hours or so felt like maybe an hour and a half, and then the last ten minutes felt like an eternity. but i did a good amount of work, so i'm pleased.

now listen to a 4 year old explain how WWII went. why couldn't they have just showed us this in school?

serious stuff.

also serious: your is not you're. learn it, please. for the love of god.

my chair is broken, and stabbing me in the back. somehow i use it wrong, so the back breaks in half.

I GET TO START ANOTHER PERSONAL PROJECT TODAY! that is, if my dad actually cuts the wood i've had for about a year now. he's really not good at finishing things.

tomorrow's gonna be great. if i find any more remotes from the company's competitors, i get to walk over to the filing cabinet beside the hot girl's desk. awwright!

i spoooooose i'm done talking now

stand in the place where you work
now face west
think about direction,
wonder why you haven't before

keep it ninja.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

everything gets better without me.

mairi is pretending to talk seriously.

so i've started adding my old friends on facebook. it's the girl i used to like all through junior school, and some other girls from my class. turns out girls who were hot in grade 5 dress up in skanky clothes and touch eachother in awesome ways when they're 17. of course they're not lesbian, they're just the type of people that call eachother "bitch" and "slut" when they say hi. it's pretty awesome. they've definately gotten hotter too. the one i liked is a cheerleader, and the one that was pretty much everyone's friend used to be shy-ish, and now she's hot, and popular. people change, and change is good. of course i'll never see them again.

i'm really ready to be famous. i want these people that used to know me as that geeky art kid in grade 5 to be like "holy shit, he's still lanky, but now he's hot, and badass!". hah, like that'll ever happen.

i'm looking forward to march break, cause i want to work for once, which will hopefully make my dad proud, and then i also get to party. yaaaay partying! ashley, i actually have to talk to you about that. i'm sure you know why, but yeah.

today was a good day. awesome top. that's all i'm going to say.

this video is awesome.

i had a feeling
that i haven't felt before, and
that was my

keep it ninja

Saturday, March 7, 2009

welcome to the future

rap won't save you
can you hear that?
rap won't save you

when he's holding the labeler at 0:25, i thought it was an uzi, and i was like "what the fuck is he doing with an uzi in a drug store?"

i went snowboarding today with my awesome new board (it's like that, with the grey on top, with the blue on the bottom, i think). for some reason half way through my left hand stopped working properly, and it really screwed stuff up. i couldn't get my gloves on properly, or scratch my head, or do any simple thing like that. of course it didn't do anything to my riding, cause i'm pro like that, and so i taught myself how to do a 180 indy (there will be videos sometime later, but i didn't get the 180s on film, cause my dad's camera battery ran out, so it's just indies). overall it was a good day. we also spent about an hour trying to find a swiss chalet. yay for father-son days.

i wanna go out for wings with you two, and johnny. and i guess tish. just cause that would be his date or whatever.

i need a girlfriend. i mean i've been looking, but i'm just getting too picky. i just kinda want to be with someone i can actually maintain a relationship with for longer than a month. i'm sure i could do it, but i'm just too lazy to actually date. i'd much prefer a friend with benifits, but there's still nobody i can see myself doing that with.

it turns out my mom was a lot like Ashley's mom. keep in mind i don't know everything about either one (that's kinda sad), so these are just sort of assumptions. smoking, drinking, hanging out with some "questionable" people (not bad people, just adults that still live like they're teens), dropped out of highschool (although my mom went back cause my dad told her to). there's another thing, but it's sorta personal right now. i'll probably be more open about it later on, but for now it's private. haha private.

keep in ninja for the time being, then maybe switch to piracy

go all in, oh yeah
get em riled up
game over,
game over

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

we're your backyard friends

the backyardagains

so i want a job. i really do. i mean i've heared some bad stories of work, but i've spent 3 whole weeks with a copious amount of christians, and fed them, so i think i can handle it.

i'm really lazy. i mean i've had 2 whole art classes to paint this small thing brown, and i've just found bad reasons to not do it. "aw there's only half an hour left in the class", "aw, it's a wednesday". so i'm never going to finish this project.

so how are you? no, i'm kidding, i don't care.

surfs up, surfs up
everybody say ho-daddy, ho-daddy
surfs up, surfs up
ho-daddy ho-daddy

you know what's a surprisingly well made game? keep in mind that well made doesn't mean story, or gameplay, it means the art, and the way things look at all times. anyway it's "Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue". i know what you're thinking: "nathan, you girl, what are you doing playing that?" well 1) somehow they managed to have some good humor. whither or not it's supposed to be funny, i don't know, but it's actually descent. 2) the sprites are amazing. there are good transitions from standing up, to walking, to running, and when you accomplish something they shake their tiny hamster butts. 3) it has a good realism to it when you're running with your friends (it chooses one leader according to the story, and then the rest of the hamsters you meet follow you) because when you go from running to walking, or standing still, there's a delay for the other hamsters so it looks pretty good. 4) i do what i want, bitch!

apparently i'm getting my new snowboard sometime soon. that'll be great. of course as far as i know none of you ski or snowboard, so you wouldn't be willing to go on the trip i was promised.

i also get the lappy back soon-ish so i can make more awsome pictures (unfortunately it'll still be in paint, but whatever, it's better than nothing)

these are a few of my favorite things

anyways i guess i'm done.

oh, pin-o-cchi-o
i should have told you not to
fol-low Hon-est John
and now you're gone
you're probably at
the pleasure isle
and i can tell you that you'll
be there for a while
(kickin' it donkey-style)

keep it ninja 'till you're cold, and angry at your friends

Friday, February 27, 2009

my shadow didn't follow me home today...

it actually didn't. it was making me sad, because i'm trying to draw it, since it looks like a really cool zelda character version of me, and i just really like it.

so battle of the bands. good stuff, right? i honestly don't think i was at all nervous, except right before we were going on stage. that was about the extent, and then i was like "wait....this crowd is about 50% people i know, and the rest don't even know what we're doing. overall i think it was pretty kickass, but i don't think we really should have won. it was just girls we know screaming for us, which in my opinion is cheating, because they would have done that regardless of how well we played.

so i'm getting stuff for drawing real good and stuff soon, so it's gonna be really awesome, and i'll be better at art, and shit.

so my question this time is:
if i'm supposed to get it on before cole, who am i suppsed to do it with? (this is because of ashley)

i am the egg man
they are the egg men
i am the walrus
coo coo cachoo

keep it ninja

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

not-so-great expectations

so since mik-e was doing this, i thought that maybe i'd do it too. i also think about losing time is a huge problem.

i want to make comic books. i won't even write them, cause i suck, but i want to make at least one.
i want to be a part of a major videogame (probably the concept artist for some characters)
i want to skydive at least once.
i want to own a trampoline
i want to have a song i've created recorded well.
i want to have a room with pillows for floors.
i want to sell something i've created for a descent amount of money.
i want to be famous (as in i want to be an important person, whether it be in music, or art, etc.)
i want to be in some sort of magazine for a good reason.
i don't want to have to worry about money
i want to get through college and get a job i like
i want to live with good friends for a while
i want to get a nickname that fits, and is catchy
i want to have a tv show
i want to be in a movie abut my life
i want to be good at skateboarding
i want to compete in snowboarding
i want to help an old lady cross the street (you hear about it, but i never see the opportunity)
i want to have someone be amazed by my skills an an artist (yeah, that's kinda like "woah look at me, i'm not great, but i want people to see me as a god". it's not really that as much as it is i want to be so good that people think i'm amazing)
i want my dad to open his eyes and realise that life isn't worth living if you're miserable.
i want janet to shut her fucking mouth and think for once
i want to have the chance to tell kids not to be such jerkoffs when they're younger
i want to get a punching bag
i want a meaningful relationship in which we're both happy
i want to talk to the people i used to know
i want to know what i could have been depending on my choices
i want to know what people really think of me
i want to completely remove all sorts of hate
i want to fly a plane
i want to drive a motorcycle
i want to be happy
i want to be rich, but not live rich
i want to eat
i want to show my strength in a non-violent way
i want to be good for something
i want to own something important
i want to think of something before anyone else
i want a girl to do the asking out for once
i want to get a job
i want to do what i want, and not be criticized for who i want to be, and what i like to do
i want my dad to be proud of me
i want to be helpful
i want to snowboard with shawn white
i want to make sure all my friends are doing good when we're older
i want people to stop being so stupid (and i mean not intellegence wise, but in the things they do. as in avoiding someone for their image, or pretending not to know someone they were best friends with a long time ago)
i want to stop sounding so corny
i want to stop not being me in front of people i want to know
i don't ever want to be miserable when i'm older

okay so that's gone from things i want to do before i die to things i could do right now. sorta the same thing, but whatever. it feels different.

that's taken up a lot of my space, but whatev's, it's not like there's a limit to how much you're willing to read about me.

so i'm really excited for friday. and thursday. i want to know how we sound with gabe, and i want to tell him to shut the fuck up when he tries to sing.

i suppose that's the most you want to read.

don't hold me up now
i can stand my own ground
i don't need your help now
you will let me down

keep it ninja

Sunday, February 22, 2009

i's in your side....

...stealin yor heartz

jamming was awesome today. i mean if you can make an awesome song the first time you jam with someone then you're definitely good together. i really think that we should do those songs we wrote with alex tho. it's just something to kinda kick start our band and whatnot. and then we only need 3 more songs, and we can make an album. of course we need lyrics for our songs, but whatever, that can happen later when we're done some songs. i want to write lyrics for at least one song, but it needs to be recorded first.

go to 2:47, or just watch the whole thing.

biatch is such a biatch. it's just a fact that we've all come to accept.

i'm so not ready for tomorrow, i should have done that write-up thing for business, but the minish cap was calling my name! it said "play me nathan! you know you love zelda games! just for a bit!"
of course i played it all day.

i guess that's all. i was just bored of there being nothing to do on my blog.

time for some extra-long lyrics:

it's like they leave us no option
walking these streets here
just watching
these preachers speak from their pockets
these teachers -
bring it back, c'mon
these teachers reach
but can't stop the celing
so poison
so lost and follow
these prophets to nos is tossin' what's right
to the dust
and i ain't no casualty
got no surface for spotless morality
my dirt may have to cover up my grave
but i keep my feral faith
and filth clutter up my cave
got me looking for disinfectant
(i don't know how to behave)

love those lyrics.

so keep it ninja for me alright? there's emergency numbers on the fridge if you ninja too much.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

doo do da doo

okay, so i'm doing ONE video this time. you will play it over and over while you read this (and mikey i want to do a cover of this) here it is

okay so i'm soooooooooooooo happy, cause my dad got me 1100 GBA roms that i can play on my psp (there's an emulator for Gameboy Advanced on it) and so that's about all i'm going to do for a while. i mean i'm not going to go ahead and play all 1100 games, since a good portion of them are pretty awful. here are some examples: PDA (what 10 year old needs a PDA?), Mary-Kate and Ashley's BLAH BLAH who gives 2 shits (there's about 5 games with them. caleigh had a few when she played gameboy), harry potter blah blah stupid shit (i've actually beaten one of these once. it was awful), Bible game (i actually put this on for shits and giggles. it's bad.....really bad), and of course Hamtaro blah blah whatever (i put one of these on too, but it doesn't get past the part where you name your hampster). i've got other ones, but i don't want to bore you with this stuff.

YAAAAAAAAAY my dad is going to give me his old laptop so that i can draw in my room (i bought myself a tablet) so i can blog in my room. it's gonna be great. of course if i don't do so great school-wise when i get it (which is doubtful...i mean...just look at my courses) he's going to take it away. of course it's pretty oober slow, but it should still be alright for what i need it for.

do you like waffles?
yeah we like waffles
do you like pancakes?
yeah we like pancakes
you you like french toast?
yeah we like french toast
doo do da doo
can't wait to get a mouthful!

keep it ninja (pizza)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

siamese beats in my broken back seats

i should do rock rap songs. it'd be like that band i don't remember the name of that does that.

this video is awesome, and should be a video that fathers show their sons when they become men.

so i think i'm finally getting my shit together and finding out what i want to do with my after high school life. Sean told me that there's an animation course at Seneca that i could pretty much fly through easily. apparently it's what i do every day, but for marks, and then in the 3rd year you finally animate. that's pretty much the most perfectly made course ever.

i'll probably be like this when i grow up. except i fucking hate frozen pizzas. i guess they're alright, but they usually just taste awful.

i should stop posting so many videos. i mean it's kinda just a lame way to waste your time with humor, but it's also very repetitive. anyways here.

alrigt here's one more:

so i wish i could read minds. i also want to be a therapist. then i could tell which girls like me, and be more helpful to society than i currently am. i also wish i had wings that looked like paper plates glued to mousetraps shaped like pigs.

a guy can dream, can't he? for $60 an hour.
wasn't there a thing where it was like they advertised in dreams?
OH YEAH it was futurama. i think that episode is with mik-e at the moment.

ashley is blonde

sorry, i realised that i talk about mik-e all the time, so i thought i'd mention ashley at least once.

i think i'll start asking questions in my blogs. we'll see how that goes.

this post's question is:
should i start writing more of those weird fucking things with the random shit that makes your brain crawl 2mm to the right in fear of the skunk pirates in my blog?

clowns to the left of me
jokers to the right
here i am
stuck in the middle with you

keep it ninjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

alice in wonderbra

so i SORTA found that video you guys were searching for a while ago (except it's like WAY better)

that's pretty much the only reason i made this entry, but i'm going to find other stuff to talk about.

why do people hack stuff? i mean if it's like on games or whatever when you're getting the person's money and stuff i understand (but i certainly don't agree with it) but when it's something like deviantart where all the hacked account does it send you a link that makes you get hacked, it's kinda really pointless. it's retarded to the max.

the babies are funny. Mairi likes to act like a real person by having epic talks with brayden, and stuff. like one time they were sitting in the bathtub, and she's like "you falling" and then brayden's like "aaaaaaaaaaah!" (but as if he was falling, so like it became quiet) and then she would grab his shoulders, and kinda whisper stuff to him with a serious face that looked like she was saying "i'm not letting you go!".
this is kinda cool, but some parts aren't amazing.


i want to watch the office.

i'd also like $10000000000

if i had 3 powers, these would be them:
have any amount of money i want at any time in my pocket
move through shadows
manipulate time (pause, fast foreward, slow down, reverse time)

wouldn't that be the badassiest super hero? i could move through the shadows to a crime, and then pause time, kill the criminal, and then i'd be the hero! yaaaaaay for justice!

college humor is going to be a TV show soon times (on MTV) and i'm going to see it and be very much proud.

Fresh prince is actually cool now:

In a world where the world ends
at the end of your block
and the mo'v little whirlwind spin
friction 'round the clock

keep it ninja

Saturday, February 7, 2009

in the pants

i hate how people try to find one definition for something. we're fucking human, so we're going to have different views depending on how we were raised, and what we've experienced in life. "what is love?" is one of these things. someone could say that love is an emotion that is felt when you find someone (or something) that you truly KNOW you want to spend the rest of your life with, and never want to leave for any reason. others might say that love is just a word, and has never had meaning in any way shape or form, and is just used to describe a feeling that some may say has never existed. i say that they're both right, because there's no way that as the human race we can come to a concrete decision on what some fucking word means.

this song is funny:
listen to it while you're reading

i got a haircut yesterday. it looks pretty bad ass, and when i work out now i don't look stupid (don't ask me why, it just looks cooler to me when I'm lifting weights with my shirt off and there's no hair in my face). i think it actually makes me look stronger when I've got more muscle than i have hair. by the way i guess i forgot to mention that I've started working out. i do that thingy with the weights where i lift it to the side 15 times, break, and then do it again, break, etc. and i do 45 situps, and i lift the weights normally 20 times, break, do it again, etc. and if i clear out my garage for jamming i'm also going to put in a chin up rock climbing thing so that in between songs i can get all buff and shit. it's funny, everything i do now feels strong. oh i also do push ups, but i don't like those as much.

speaking of looking awesome, i want to date someone (and by someone i mean a girl). I'm not sure who, but i think i have like 3 options (I'm not posting the names here, just in case of...whatever...) but then again, i'm never totally sure when a girl likes me, so i kinda just don't take opportunities (mik-e what was that word again? um.....quesadilla? but it's like a latin word... and it reminds me of tabula rasa, but that means blank slate). oh shit my internet spell checker is dumb. it says quesadilla isn't a word, but it says Padilla's is a word, and it also suggested Cadillac's.


i hate painting. it's dumb. not all paintings, mind you, just mine. they're fucking awful, and somehow Mrs. Jolliffe thinks they're good. i made sean look awesome when i drew him, and then in the painting he looked too cartoony, and just dumb. i HATE painting. Thadd's good tho, he should fail at life, and then be one of the people that goes around just painting shit and selling it in quebec.

i want a backrub. that part that's kinda like the bottom sides of my neck hurt from lifting weights. it's a good hurt tho, cause it makes me feel manly.

HOLY SHIT BATMAN! i found out i can punch, cause i hit sean and it hurt him. then again sean might be a wuss. it's suitor, not shorting, so he's not all strong and shit, but he definately takes pain (or he just sucks it up to not look like a pansy) but he was complaining that it hurt, so i guess that means i'm sorta strong? i want a punching bag..

i want to have a music video, cause i want to do that thing where they make people look crazy cause their head freaks out to the beat of the music, and then there's like jumps in the video so it's like not full, and they're....i dunno. i don't really know how to explain it, but it looks awesome.

circle circle dot dot
now I've got my cootie shot
or so i thought
turns out some kid made that up on the spot
and now I've got the HIV
why does this shit happen to me?
sitting in this hospital room,
doc is telling me that I'm doomed
saying goodbye to everyone that knew me,
and apologize to my roomie, oh

i made that up. i think i'm making that a song without your permission mik-e

ANOTHER HOLY SHIT! everyone we're going to jam with has a 4 letter name! nate mike sean.....

i jizz right in my pants every time you're next to me
and when we're holding hands, it's like having sex with me
you say I'm pre-mature, i just call it ecstasy
i wear a rubber at all times, it's a necessity
cause i jizz in my pants.
yes i jizz in my pants!

keep it super sexy ninja

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"we're going way too fast!" "that's what she said!" "shut up dammit, we're going to die!"

I've realized something. to get through life perfectly you can't have anything the way you want unless it's done by you for you, or if you get someone else to do it for you. I mean it's a very basic concept, but i just realized it today when Mrs. Jolliffe (spelling?) saw a picture i drew/painted of sean, and i said "well it looks like him, but it's too cartoon-y..... i think it makes him look weird." and she's like "well maybe that's what i want".....alright....that's what kinda did it for me. i was thinking "well it's my picture, so i think it should be my way", but then i remembered something vital: she's my teacher, and she's the one that marks things according to her opinion on it, so it would be in my best interests to do things her way.

watch this:
it's definitely the way I'd want to be if decided to do drugs for real

janet just did her signature "judge without thinking" move. dumbass. here's how it went: normally when the power goes off in our house due to Janet vacuuming, and microwaving, and using the computer all at the same time (just so you know, that's 3 different rooms on 2 different floors that are not connected directly) all of the basement power goes off, including the computers. so she walks in the room yelling about me still being on, and of course as we all know: no thinking for this one, so here's how it was said: "Stephen! why is nathan's computer still on?!?!?" my dad gets pretty pissed cause....well...she's dumb as hell. so he's like "well, why is yours still on?!". made me happy.
it reminds me of this: (you don't have to listen to all of it.)

btw i think i'm going to start calling her "biatch" cause she's always sitting beside me when i write about her.

so i like my classes. Broadcast is chill, english is chill, art is chill, and business is SUUUUUPER chill

i suppose that that's all i can think of at the moment.

there's a good touch, and a bad touch
you've got to know the difference
a good touch makes you feel good
and a bad touch makes you feel tense

keep it ninja errbody that is obviously more than a max of 3 people

Sunday, February 1, 2009

good riddance! now zoidberg is the popular one!

so i don't know if i'm going to like next semester. i don't have a spare, i STILL have broadcasting which forces me to wake up early every other week, and even though Juliann is gone, Hawa is back, and she messes with my brain with her ways.

i think i want to make another one of those 25 things notes. i have so many things people don't know, and unlike some people (not an insult or whatever) i really like talking about myself. it's probably because i spent most of my life at home by myself. i also found out (you know...on a totally unrelated note) that i like sympathy. i think i'm a jerk for that, but it's fun to know people care. again i spent most of my life alone, so i started thinking that nobody cared about me, and that they were all avoiding me. this may have caused them to avoid me tho, if i talked about sad things :P.

i need a punching bag. i keep remembering when i was jumped, and i want to know that i can break someone's nose when i have to. this may be because whenever i dream about being in a fight i always miss, or just punch like a sissy. i bet if i showed that anger that i have pent up inside me i could break a jaw (yes i have thin arms, but i've bent my bed frame from punching it when i was pissed).

i think i know why i was (and hopefully am not anymore) a sissy. i was raised by only my dad who was trying too hard to be my mom, and my first friend was a girl who was only friends with girls. my dad also let me play with polly pockets and barbie dolls, and nothing was said. it's like the opposite of that story ashley tells everyone about the fact that she played with hotwheels.

i started this post so long ago. it's been like 5 hours or something. it took me a while to find the saved draft too.

janet just took my dad upstairs to talk to him alone cause he made a comment about the fact that caleigh doesn't know the right timing for making a meal. all he said was that "she has a strange way of making (whatever meal she's making). she's left the water boiling for 15 minutes, and she's playing the piano." what kind of asshole finds that offensive? and it's not even her! she's feeling offended for her kid who wouldn't care! fucking dumb shit.

i should have checked my free girl shirt before i started posting again, but i didn't think this far ahead.

i wish i had the ability to move through shadows so that i could go to urban planet again, and buy some sweet shirts.

picture yourself
in a boat on a river
where thousands of midgets
just sing the same song

keep it ninja for as long as you can, and then try to beat your record.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

yeah? well....dracula's coming over tonight!

so yeah. the Japanese are fucking weird... i mean seriously....just....oh god.

i mean seriously. that guy with the bandana on his head? what the hell is he hiding? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. i mean he'd be the easiest person to pick out of a police lineup. "uh... i'm not sure...i think it's the guy that looks like a total fucking fruitcake"

although the japanese are weird, it's the white people that are the fucking retards. did they not know what they were saying when they made these?

stupid white dumb, and so completely ridiculously unaware of it. shit, i'm a white people. you're a white people too.

so people are really dumb it seems.

like janet. she just made a "ryme"for brayden that went like this:
you are a silly boy
a silly boy you are

he didn't even do anything. and she was saying it like a robot. fucking retard that one.

white people also have a great sense of humor

yeah. i wanna do that.

alright so i'm SOOOOOOO glad that the dumb exams are over. i feel like a genius. i think i deserve a prize for being this great.

i want to go trampolining. i'd do that for my birthday, but i can't really do anything for my birthday unless people decide to agree with each other, and not hate each other for strange reasons.

just a note. if you couldn't watch these videos now, watch them eventually. MAKE SURE YOU DO. your life is devoid of meaning without them.

don't let these spiders
crawl up beside us
they want to bite us
inject the virus

keep it ninja

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

when you wake up tomorrow i'm going to punch you in the goddamn throat

i'm thinking.....

dangerous thing, that

no, okay so i'm thinking: what if you left a baby with a pack of wolves? they did it in Jungle Book, and Princess Mononoke, but i'm pretty sure they'd just eat the fucking thing. i mean seriously. they're wolves. they eat raw meat.

funny stuff.

so i'm almost done exams, and then when i have spare time i'm going to watch what's out so far of the office, and play a bunch of psp games.

awesome days.

btw i'm not sure why the pictures apparently didn't work, but whatever. not so important.

i want to make a good vlog...and to do that i need to edit my videos so i'm not going "UUUUUHH......stuff....and....."

duuuuuuumb stuff.

alright so i'm not sure if theres anything else. i suppose that's all.

2 men to a fight

(this is what i think is being said at one point in

keep it ninja like it's 1985

Monday, January 26, 2009

underwater is the badassiest
wait...thats how NOT to get a job? shit. no wonder nobody's hiring me.

so i'm upset because exams are dumb and should be personified, and then kicked in the groin about 5 and 1/2 times.

it's possible.
mik-e, you should learn this. not really, but he's good. let's use him.

i was looking at the timelines of a few artists on deviantart and i realised something. they were a bunch of dumb emos at one point in each of their lives. it's weird.

those are the picture things. view them if you want. i want to make one, but i need a style to do them in, and i need to remember lots.

i'm procrastinating WAAY too much....i should study

do they even cure you?
or is it just to humor us before we die?
if we could heal ourselves
we wouldn't need to be hooked up to these machines

keep it ninja

Sunday, January 18, 2009

i promise to finish what i sta

so i've watched all 4 seasons of scrubs, the first 2 seasons of furutama, seasons 3 and 4 of simpsons, and played a few hours of Battlefeild 2. i feel great.

did you know that the origional name for the game Super Mario Brothers was "Jessepi,(spelling?) the fat Italian Plumber and his super jump shoes"?

i dunno for sure if that's true, but it sounds halarious

i just looked up some facts on Mario. His origional name (as i already knew) was Jumpman (when he was in the Donkey Kong game that's on that shirt i have) , the princess' name was Pauline, and he wasn't a plumber, he was a carpenter (maybe he's Italian Jesus). he got his name because the creator thought that he looked a lot like the landlord (Mario Segali) of the origional New York office building they worked in. he had suspenders because in the original pixelated form his arm movements would have looked weird because he had a red long sleeved shirt. he had a hat because it was too difficult to animate his hair, and he had a mustache because they were too lazy to animate a mouth. Because of the games being called Super Mario Brothers, both Mario and Luigi have the last name Mario, making their names Mario Mario, and Luigi Mario. Theres other stuff like the same person who created him also created donkey kong, the zelda series, and Pikmin (that's the only one i didn't know he made), but that's irrelevant.

see ashley? stuff like this makes a geek. yes, GEEK not nerd. i knew there was a different word for what you meant, but i couldn't think of it. a geek likes comics, videogames, anime movies, TCG's, the internet, etc, but a NERD likes homework, and studying, and they have good marks. sometimes they're the same thing, but other times it's like me, and it's one or the other. if you're too much of a geek, you don't pay attention to school, and thus you fail math.

something funny happened. my dad gave me the 4th season of weeds to watch, but because it's named weeds (which could mean anything really) he wrote an s in front of the title so it says Sweeds. like I'm watching some show about Sweden or something. not so much.

le Chevalier Noir is sitting right here, and i kinda want to watch it, but i've seen it like 6 or 7 times, so i dunno. i'm pretty sure everyone got a copy of it at Christmas (Matteo got 3). i have something that some fans don't have though: the script. i bought it because there were storyboards with it (and it's also interesting to see what they used to shoot the best movie ever). But yeah, it's what i use to practice storyboarding for future career stuff.

btw ashley you need a blog post ender (like mine is a song, and then "keep it ninja", and mik-e's is "g'night y'all!") cause last time you said something, and then y'all, and it was completely unorigional.

EDIT: so that i don't have to write another blog just for some links, here's the two things i promised to link to today:
"You the dumb hoe":
"Who's that pokemon?":

that's all for now

the youth are starting to change
are you starting to change?
are you?
together, together, together, together

keep it ninja like a panda wearing shorts in the winter

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's like I can touch you!

take a journey to your soul

so i'm really not prepared to do this, but i will because there's nothing better to do at the moment. i mean i could play PSP, or watch the simpsons, but i feel like doing this instead.

parents bother me. i just want to chill, cause i've been doing stuff at school for 2 hours, but no they're telling me to study at 10:00 for exams that i don't have much information about. i realized i said parents. it's janet and my dad. i guess saying parents is just easier than "my dad and that bitch he married"

Japan is weird. they sell used women's underwear in vending machines. gross. i mean seriously, what are you going to do with those? hang them on the wall? jesus.

i'm thirsty. i think i'm going to go get some apple juice.

Dear Mik-e:

today was pretty awesome, cause blah blah blah girl stuff.
Nate the Great(er than everyone)

that was funny today. it's pretty much true what ashley said though. we're pretending that we're more important than we are by typing out things that we could just say to eachother.

i think i want to to go into storyboarding. then when i have enough examples, and i've built up experience points (game reference, if you didn't get it) i can do that, plus making comics. i mean i'd need a writer, and then i'd have to pay them half, and i dunno if it will be poplar enough. i'd say i worry too much, but this is my LIFE. i only get one chance at it, i might as well do it right.

it feels like summer in octoooooober
and i wish that this day was never oooooover
and it feeeeels like summer in octooooooober
to me

keep it ninja like the night

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i've been tricked by the future!

money can't buy happiness? bullshit.
i could buy a videogame and be happy for as long as it takes me to beat it, and screw around. i could buy some stuff for a party, and while i'm enjoying that, i find a girl thats hot and make out with her. i could buy a house that all my friends could live at, and pay them all not to hate eachother. i could combine all three of those and make out in my awesome house while playing a new videogame. money CAN buy happiness, even if it's indirectly (eg: i didn't pay that girl to make out, but it made me happy (in the pants! AHAHAHAHA))

have you seen wall-e? who cares. great movie, but i have a problem with one thing.
they were on that ship 700 years. 700. yeah, and how many captains were there? 6, MAYBE 7. so how the hell was there a captain for all of those years? sure they have autopilot, but they still need to have a captain with it. so what happened? did they all live for 100 or more years each? and how do all of these fat people know how to control the ship? AGAIN yes they have autopilot, but they new how to get home, and they new the commands for the ship. i guess one of the 100 year old pilots taught one person when they were about to die?

i want a cat.

i've said that already haven't i? like 10 entries ago? it was the cat named impossible.

how are we expected to get final projects done while being given homework? yeah mikey i know, you have 3 more projects than me blah blah blah wah. i understand how much worse your position is, (4 times worse, plus another half hour [(essay+15 minute presentation) x 4+(15minute presentation x 2)]) but i still don't like that i have to do even one. i don't want to have 4 classes.

i want to just skip past college, and just live with friends and have a sick job in concept art.

i need a stress ball thing. i'm so pissed of all the time and i need something to take out my anger on other than a person, or someone's property. i mean i had something that was kinda for stress (mostly for hand exercises when you're playing piano) but i got really pissed off one time, and since it's made of metal i stretched it out and now it's useless.....awesome. now all i can do is punch pillows, or my metal bed frame. not so fun.

ugly lady
"oh my...."

i'll move to paris, shoot some heroin
and fuck with the stars
you man the island and the cocaine
and the elegant cars.

keep it ninja for about five miles, then take a right on gullible street.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

like some sort of hybrid

do you ever notice how some people say they're going do something, and then they just don't? mostly in my math class the kids sign out (you know on that sheet so they can go to the washroom and stuff) and then they just sit there talking to people. sure it's not a problem or anything, but for some reason it bothers me. it also bothers me that the guy with the highest mark (a 94 or something) is a complete dumbass and sometimes can't even read the questions. he pisses me off so much. like in the middle of class he'll start yelling stuff to the person beside him, or stomping on the ground, or reading the math questions out loud, etc.

another thing that bothers me is low quality psp games. sure it doesn't have the graphics capabilities of say an xbox 360 or PS3, but they've made GTA with a huge world and good enough graphics. but NOOOOO they still have shitty games like spiderman: web of shadows which is a SIDE SCROLLER.....yeah.... i mean what the hell. you have the capabilities to make awesome graphics (eg: , that was a cut scene in the psp final fantasy game and is the gameplay) and you make a shitty 3d side scroller with below average graphics. great job, retards!

i just found out NOW that a game i've been looking for (for a looooooong time) is FREE on a website. of course this is true with a lot of games, but it's by the choice of the game makers. it's Shaun White snowboarding, so it's not great. the xbox 360 one is awesome looking, but the PSP version is pretty shit cause it doesn't have a lot of things that they definately could have had like online, and big not so straight-foreward hills, and being able to have a re-spawn point on the hill to pull of awesome tricks that are hard to land, etc.

nvm it turns out i was wrong, i have to pay for membership. these sites just don't get it. it's like porn, you go to sites till you find a descent free one. you don't pay for stuff on the internet, that's just dumb.

anyways my computer is going to try and shut itself down soon, so i'm going to finish this before it has a chance.

i don't have a song today either, sorry. not enough time to think of one.

keep it ninja 'til the floor collapses and becomes a gateway to asia that you can use to find other ninjas.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Trigger Happy

so it's school again tomorrow. i'm soooooo not prepared. so i'm going to post some videos that i think are funny. actually they're all from the same show: Trigger Happy TV
there were more but i can't find them.

so i lost my wallet....awesome. and cole won't call me back to tell me if he found it at his place or not. it's just grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat when you don't know if you have to go out and get a replacement for your bank card, your health card, your student card, your student bus discount card, and your edge card.

i'm really frustrated with this stupid philosophy assignment. i've barely started it, and i don't even know what to say in it. couldn't it be simple like all the other projects? like even just an essay with more than 1000 words. it's bullshit that we have ti do a power point presentation. i don't even remember how to do that. and i think it's funny that ass hat (from my second november entry) was all complainy about 1000 words being "too little". she's like "does it HAVE to be 1000 words?" "yes" "AAAWWWW REALLY?!?! BLHDSGJGSJKSJ!!!!!!!!!!!1111". SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! nobody cares what you think you dumb piece of garbage! okay that was sorta over the line, but she is so annoying.

i'm not sure what career i want to get into. animation, concept art, storyboarding, advertisement.... i need to get a portfolio together tho. of course i've got a year and a half left to do it, and 2 semesters of art, and a co-op program in that time, so i should be good.
cause god knows they don't screw up enough.

i want to go out for wings.

i suppose that's all for now.

the models will have children
and get a divorce
find some more models
everything must run it's course