Monday, June 29, 2009

easy livin'

so today i had a moment at work where i was wrapping something and i was like "this feels good. i can do this"
....i never want to feel that way about work EVER AGAIN.

i've been watching lots of drug videos today. it's been good. i really want to hallucinate, but i need to make sure that i've got somewhere to stay for the night that isn't my house. i'm thinking i want that montreal trip to happen again, but without the part where i freaked out. just the joy part.

fuckin samsquamsh

i need to figure out what i'm doing with my life, cause all i've got in my head right now is "art". that's WAYYY too broad, and i need to figure out what specifically i want to do. i've got photo editing, storyboarding, graphic design, i could actually make my t-shirt company, concept artist, or animator. there's probably more, but that's all i can think of right now.

so i'm really glad that ashley isn't the only one reading my blog.

that's sarcasm.

she is the only one

it's me, NRG, layin' down a rap with my G, Mikey B

i need more to talk about, i had more, but that's all i remember

oh except somehow today at like 9:17 there was an old lady walking around the store while i was taking down the vegetables and asking multiple times where the plain bagels were, and why nobody was at cash.

some people are DUMB people.

anyways that's about it

keep it ninja (no more song lyrics, it's getting too hard.)

(that's what she said)

Friday, June 19, 2009

fuck off

...alright, sorry, let's start fresh
i'm nathan
fuck you
alright that doesn't work

so i've got my brand tight-little-ass-spankin' new (sorry, i'm just excited) Xbox 360, and ea skate 2. if you care at all i'm like 3/4 done the game, and that's only cause i've been doing other things, cause it's hard to stay on the story when you can literally go ANYWHERE in the game and skate. i've actually played it so much that i had a weird dream where i was the skater, and then for some reason this girl (a real person that i know) slides out of nowhere on her back all ragdoll-like infront of me (naked i might add). anyway there's more to the dream, but it's not important.

i need more games though. i mean skate's awesome, but ADHD is a bitch, so i need other things to do. of course that's why sandbox/free-roam games are great, cause you can do SOOOOOOOO many things, and with such a huge place to do these things in, you almost never get bored.

this is probably why you guys don't read my blog....i talk about boring shit WAAY to often.

all aboard, hit the road
all the bullshit can't be ignored
it's hard to place in my face
no emotion

keep it ninja like it's 1979

Sunday, June 7, 2009

i'm so white that if i was in a snowstorm you'd lose me, and then a polarbear would eat me, and then i'd be dead. great job, jerk

they perprexed them.

so Trevor Moore is awesome.

today was pretty dumb. it was also sorta cool, cause i spent like 2 hours just taking off the dead skin off onions. THE ONION! i actually found one that looked like the onion's logo. it was pretty cool.

so i really should have had something to talk about, but i don't. i just wanted something else to be on my page.

so i've decided that i'm getting an xbox 360, cause that's pretty much all i need to survive. i also need a big tv, and like 6 games. that'll all come out of my $645 or whatever in the bank. i wish i had more.

what a jerk, right?

"viciously, and repetedly raped"

so spinning is fun, right?

alright, i'll stop wasting your time.

listen close
with your ear to the ground
as el diablo stirs
this place comes crashing down
(one two three four)
and though these evil ways
once renowned as straight out of hell
have been replaced by human will