Wednesday, December 31, 2008

shock me like an electric eel

turn me on with that electric feel

i've started listening to a new band called MGMT (Management) and they're pretty friggin awesome. they sing about childhood kind of a lot, but that's cool.

my ear is STILL bothering me. it's been about 3 weeks. it was supposed to be gone within about 3 DAYS. anyways i can kinda fix it by holding my nose, and then attempting to breathe in. normally when you do that but blow your nose, your ears pop, so breathing in reverses that, and kinda pulls your ears in.

i was just thinking. Management kinda reminds me of the name Ma'am, I AM the Supervisor. we could even do kinda the same thing and call it MIAS (pronounced like mya's). and of course Ma'am, I AM the Supervisor is the best band name in the world, and thus we will be the best band in the world.

there are too many things worrying me at the moment. i don't want to have to do this stupid Philosophy ISU, and i still need to practice the songs for the battle of the bands, and i need to get a portfolio ready for college, but i'm not sure exactly what i want to get into (but my cousin Andrew's friends helped a lot to kinda steer me in the right direction). but i'm not sure if i really want to be in art anymore.... I've seen that I'm not really good at much that i like. i'm alright at 3d design, but not as good as some people like Fadi who will go to class an hour early to practice, and buys all of the books he can on everything to do with 3d art. i mean i'd LOVE to get into video games, but for some reason just knowing how to draw isn't good enough. instead i need to do about 7 years of college in like 3 different programs just to get into a job that doesn't pay much now that all video games are downloadable off the internet (not that it was ever a high-paying job). and i would make my own t-shirt company, but i'm not internet-savvy enough to make my own website (or at least not a good one) and my dad pretty much gave up on it even though he PROMISED that he'd have it finished last summer. you'd think he'd be proud that i'm trying to do something with myself, and i even promised that i would pay for the printing of the shirts and stuff, but he's still not doing anything. he said he was busy, and then he went to work on janet's website instead. that thing isn't even going to get anywhere, let alone get her any money. at least my idea gives me a source of income. anyways i'm pissed off is the bottom line.

control yourself
take only what you neeeeed from it
a family of treees fallin'
to be haunted
*clap clap*

keep it so ninja that the next time you take a crap there's a little brown ninja in the toilet

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"only adults like us..."

"...are allowed to say hell, bitch-ass, and damn. so get your hellin' damnin' ass in that bitchin' damn room, dammit!" *looks at frylock* "what? damn i's just helpin' you out, bitch."
- Meatwad of Aquateen Hunger Force

my ears hurt. i wasn't supposed to listen to music in headphones, but i did. now both of my ears are infected, however that works. they actually REALLY hurt sometimes, but mostly it's just really irritating. it's almost like being sorta deaf, but only like 10% or something. like i can't really tell how loud i am, and i can't hear much people are saying. although somehow it made me better in broadcasting, somehow, cause i was doing soundboard, and normally mr.wall will tell me to turn the volume up, or down, but for the last 2 days i've been right where he likes it the first try. hot damn

does butter jam exist?

i'm so sad. i'm pretty sure it's only mike that reads my blog. i've asked a bunch of randoms on the interwebs, and i don't even think my own cousin (who also has a blog) reads this.

guess what! i found out that cold air makes ear infections worse! what a great time to have one! it's my christmas present from hell. speaking of my infection, it's making the right side of my face feel like it's swelling up (and about to explode), and theres a line of pain from my brain to my jaw all down that right side. i also found out that i can hear for a short amount of time if i stick my fingers in my ears, jiggle them around, and then pull them out, kinda like a plunger.

i really want to do a cover of little boxes.

why is it always me that gets hit? i mean I've gotten kicked in the balls for no reason a lot of times. and people just hit me in the middle of classes and stuff. especially by Matteo. At least he apologizes sometimes, and admits that he has no reason to hit me. but people like sean suitor just hit me without explaining, and it's a lot of the time. do i have a sign hovering above my head that says "fuck my shit up, seriously, do whatever you want to hurt me"? or maybe it's my fault. maybe i did something to piss off some vengeful god that can tell people to hurt me without them knowing. fortunately i don't bruise like a girl, otherwise i'd look brown all year.

i'm hungry.

ummmmmmmmm i think that's all. i think i'm done for today

little boxes on the hillside
little boxes made of ticky-tacky
little boxes on the hillside
little boxes all the same
there's a green one and a pink one
and a blue one, and a yellow one
and they're all made out of ticky-tacky
and they all look just the same

keep it ninja

Saturday, December 13, 2008

the internet is my life

am i a loser for playing lots of games on my computer?

lol my brother just held a rubber tarantula to my head, and then when i grabbed the legs to keep him from doing it he started spazzing out and saying "i put da spider on you head!"
so i let him continue

so yeah i play this game called Toribash, in which you click on your character's joints, and make him kick your opponent's ass (and if you're good enough, take off their limbs, and break their bodies into little pieces). i've gotten pretty good at this game, but my dad gets mad because i spend any time i'm not doing anything else on this game. i mean it's pretty badass to watch the animation after you've finished.

i want to find some sort of place online where there are lots of people, and there isn't at least one douchebag. youtube, secondlife, 4chan, toribash. nothing. i think deviantart has less douchebags than any other multi-user website. maybe cause it's a bunch of artists that don't judge.

you know what i don't like? movies that talk about paying for internet porn. ummm... yeah. there's free stuff. it's there. it's not even hard to find.

i have pills to take now! yaaay pills! apparently i have an ear infection, and i get pills for that. pills!

i've started to kinda "collect" jones bottles. it's the pictures, they're just so attractive! i pretty much only get the skateboarding ones, but if theres a hot girl on one of the flavors i like i'll get that too.

they smell good :)

o green world
don't desert me now
i'm made of you, and you of me
so where are we?

keep it ninja

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

no more elephants

finally robotic beings rule the world

i wonder what would happen if all humans just suddenly died off.. i mean there would be nobody to plant trees for the ones we cut down, and then animals would sort of start living in office buildings, and abandoned homes, and probably eat things they weren't supposed to. i think things would still be screwed up.

i've started listening to flight of the conchords, and i'm happy. i also have rootbeer

my dad is a jerk. i was telling him how i'm feeling like i won't get anywhere in life, because i'm not as good at drawing as i should be, and he just went ahead and told me that my drawings suck. fortunately the only thing i really want to do is storyboarding, or game concept art, and that's pretty easy stuff, so i think i'll be fine. that is if college is as easy as making a storyboard.

my grad pictures were kinda cool today. i had ONE where i was myself. the rest were like "you have headphones? wear them like this. yeah, just the way you'd never wear them in your life" and "hey, you've got a hoodie! put the hood up the way you never do!"

commies meet mondays and fridays.

i guess that's it, i don't have much more.

the humans are dead
the humans are dead
we used poisonous gases
and we poisoned their asses

keep it robo-ninja

Thursday, December 4, 2008

my first life was so great

that i literally wanted a second one.

that's from Dwight Kurt/"danger" Shrute

so i've decided that i want to play second life again, since i've got THAT much time on my hands. I actually really don't understand what i find fun about it. it's a bunch of nerdy pricks that think they can be total racist/douche-baggy/perverted fucktards, just because you don't know them. i mean i've seen some of the girls that go on it (or at least what they posted pictures of) and they're pretty hot, but why would someone that hot actually waste time talking to nerdy douche bags they don't know, when they could be off fucking like bunnies? actually that reminds me of , cause she's nerdy, and yet totally hot.

I'm so weird. i'm so comfortable with playing drums on stage, but i can't talk infront of the same crowd. i don't get it. and even if it's infront of a bunch of people i know, just the thought of being on that stage is subconsciously terrifying.

i wish i was attractive enough to have girls flocking to me like flies to a pile of shit. yes, i compared myself to a pile of shit, and girls to disgusting creatures that throw up every time they land. THAT'S called anorexia. i'll have none of that. especially on my pile of shit. actually i'm scared now that i'm too thin. like maybe my body gets rid of stuff too fast, cause i'm eating a lot (when i can) and i'm still way too thin. i mean i can see definition in my ribs, even when i don't suck in my stomach. anyway this isn't the point of my blog, so let's continue

watch this :
cause i think you'll like it
and this:
cause the story about the couple in the club is hilarious.

weeds is one of the best shows i've ever watched. speaking of shows i need to watch the office season 5. i haven't seen ANY of the new episodes, and cole's just talking about them all the time. damn people won't finish the fucking season.

i love how origional i am. every time someone asks me one of those 'would you rather' questions, i just say both, and for some reason, apparently it's funny every time. you know what's REALLY funny? david asked "would you rather be blind, or a midget?"

well technically he's both. that silly fucker.
sorry, i just wanted to say silly fucker.

my mind should implode soon.

i actually want to get all of my friends on second life. they'll all hate it, but i think they need to see what i waste my time on.

it's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
if the way is hazy
you've got to do the cooking by the book
you know you can't be lazy
never use a messy recipe
the cake will end up crazy
if you do the cooking by the book
then you'll have a -
let me see you back it up!
swing that ass down,
then bring that mother fucker up!

keep it second life ninja-y