Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i waanwach teebee

another funny thing mairi says. she always says it when she wants to watch a movie.

man, i'd love the incredibles if it wasn't so over-played in this house.

man, cartoon pigs are soo cute. i want one. the cartoon cows are kinda cute too, but they're alot bigger.

i dunno if i want to keep working. it's not all that bad, but they make me work when there's no work to be done. i'd prefer if maybe they'd 1) actually tell me what they want me to do, and 2) stop getting mad at me when there's nothing to do. it's not my fault the job is so simple, but they blame it on me when shit is finished, and they didn't give me anything else to do.

"did your man deliver, or did he deliver"

i don't like it when people have questions like that. what are you going to answer if you don't agree? "um, you didn't deliver. you made an awful choice of where to live. i seriously don't understand the choices you make.". then they get mad that you're not agreeing.

"yo guys, check out this new internet world wide web viral video"


Take back!
What's Ours!
Well it seems
that you've got a lot to say my friend!

keep it ninja


Ashley said...

yea i hate easy jobs. sounds dumb but its true, time goes by so slow and its all sucky and stuff.

Mikey said...

thats one thing i kinda like about grocery. there's always something to do. something easy. unless its frozen stuff. then that sucks a big testicle.

yay lyrics

oh and i have no idea what you were talking about there at the end with delivering.